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Access to Healthcare

Access to Healthcare: A Growing Concern

India has the 5th largest economy in the world, and it is further growing day by day. Even after this, approximately 45% of Indians are considered unhealthy by different health organizations. There are various reasons for this, but the most important is access to healthcare. For the majority of the population, access to affordable healthcare is non-existent. This not only decreases the lifespan of these individuals, but it can also cause deaths due to diseases that can be controlled through proper health support. The end result is that the underprivileged stay in the cycle of poverty perpetually.

Mobile Healthcare: Bringing Aid to the Doorstep

To resolve the issue of access to healthcare for the underprivileged, the best way is to provide this healthcare directly to their point of residence. This is where Mobile Healthcare Camps provide solutions for proper healthcare for the needy. In healthcare camps, medicines and health checkups are done to ensure a 360-degree health analysis of the individual.

Mobile Healthcare
Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness: Educating for Better Health

Another solution to the challenges of healthcare is a lack of awareness among the masses. Due to poverty and improper education opportunities, the importance of health is not ingrained in the people. Therefore, awareness campaigns are needed to give significance to the health of the individuals in the country.

Support for Cancer Patients: Crowdfunding for Care

One of the most dreadful diseases is cancer. The prevalence of this illness is an impediment to the growth of any country. Therefore, charitable trust funds have worked for years to help people with cancer who are unable to financially support their loved ones. Our NGO provides financial support through crowdfunding for medical support for the poor.

Support for Cancer Patients
Comprehensive Care

Comprehensive Care: Addressing Diverse Health Needs

Healthcare needs in a country are diverse for different people. For rural children, it can mean a nutritious diet for their growth; for the elderly, it can be a regular checkup; or for underprivileged women, it can mean a health camp, etc. This is the reason RSCT carries out different health campaigns across the year to serve the needs of different people.

Health Camp

Health Camp Image

For the prosperous and long-term growth of any country, health is an important factor. Not paying attention to health is robbing people of their healthy and productive life years. To support these people, we need your help to make sure no one is left behind in the journey towards a better society. With your help, we protect people from undesired health consequences and nudge them towards a healthy life.